We'll try to answer most FAQs here. If you have a question not answered on our FAQ list, please don't hesitate to Contact Us!

How old does my child have to be to participate in the program?

Program participants must be between twelve and nineteen years of age. Ideally, your child should begin the program at age twelve and finish it at age sixteen. Alternatively, she may begin it anywhere between twelve to sixteen and finish it anywhere between sixteen to nineteen.

Are there any other prerequisites to participating in the program?

Program participants must be strong readers and have Internet access on an Android, iOS, Mac, or PC device for online weekly three-hour seminars.

Are there geographic constraints to participating in the program?

Your child can be anywhere in the world where she has Internet access on an Android, iOS, Mac, or PC device for online weekly three-hour seminars.

How, exactly, does my child go about participating in the program?

Program participants must prepare for weekly three-hour seminars in advance by doing the assigned reading as well as the Latin homework.

What are tuition and book costs of participating in the program?

Tuition is only $2,100 per child per year for 96 contact hours and includes books.

How much homework is required for participating in the program?

Homework should take about six hours a week, which, as is usual with most classes, is twice the time spent in class. About half of that time should be spent on Latin and the other half on the reading assignment.